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Getting Started

Creating a New Project

Creating a new project in Yavanika is a simple process that allows you to get started on your creative journey. Follow these steps to create a new project effortlessly.

Step 1: Click the plus (+) sign in the dashboard

  1. Logging into Yavanika will bring you straight to the dashboard.
  2. Look for the plus (+) sign icon, usually located in the upper-Left corner of the dashboard.
  3. Click on the plus (+) sign to initiate the project creation process.

Step 2: Enter Project Details

  1. Once you've clicked the plus (+) sign, a dialogue box will appear.
  2. In this dialogue box, enter the Project Name and Project Type:
  3. Click the "Save" button to begin creating your new project.

Step 3: Access Your Projects

Your new project will now be created and visible in your dashboard. Click on it to access it.

Additional Information:

A sample screenplay is provided by default. You can choose to keep it as a reference or delete it to start your own project from scratch.

That's it! You've successfully created a new project in Yavanika. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, feel free to reach out to our support team for assistance.

Navigating your script in Yavanika is easy with these handy keyboard shortcuts. Whether you're moving between blocks, auto detecting the next one, or selecting specific blocks, these shortcuts will enhance your scriptwriting experience.

Keyboard shortcuts

Shortcuts What it does
1. TAB Toggle forward through the script's blocks
2. Shift + TAB Toggle backward through the script's blocks
3. ALT + 1/2/3/4/5

Alt + num shortcuts can quickly change the currently selected block to the a different one.

  1. Alt + 1 Scene Heading
  2. Alt + 2 Action
  3. Alt + 3 Character
  4. Alt + 4 Dialogue
  5. Alt + 5 Parenthetical

Note: You can also modify blocks by using the block selector drop-down located in the top left corner of the screen.

4. Ctrl + `
Control + Backtick
Toggle between languages added to the present project. Click here to learn how to add languages to your project.

Switch Between Scenes

To easily switch between scenes in your script, look for the scene selector next to the block selector.

Please note that the blocks in your script are formatted with the default screenplay formatting.

Status Bar (Bottom Strip)

The status bar located at the bottom of is a valuable tool for keeping you informed about crucial aspects of your work. Here's what you can find on the status bar:

Server Connection Status:

This indicator lets you know whether a server connection is currently established. A green indicator typically means you're connected, while a red indicator indicates a connection issue.

Changes Saved Notification:

The status bar will also notify you when all changes to your project have been saved. You'll see a message confirming that your work is securely stored.

Current Scene and Block:

You can easily keep track of your location within your script. The status bar displays the current scene and block you are working on, helping you stay organized and focused.

Additional Information

Having a stable server connection ensures that your work is saved and synchronized, providing you with a seamless experience.

Make sure to look out for the "Changes Saved" notification to ensure your progress is safeguarded.

The display of the current scene and block helps you maintain context as you navigate your script.


The settings menu in Yavanika offers a range of options to tailor your experience and enhance your productivity.

Fullscreen mode:

Enlarge the editor interface for better focus and an immersive writing experience.

Publishing Your Project:

To share your current project with the world go to publish in settings and

  • Click on "Generate Unique Link." This generates a unique that you can share with the public.
  • To delete the link, click on "Delete Generated Link."

The link only provides read-only permission.
The comments in the project won't be displayed in the published version.

PDF Export:

Export your current project as a PDF document for easy sharing and printing. The PDF printer will take care of all the formatting rules.

The PDF export gives a couple of options for layout:

  1. Two column layout: The page is divided into two columns in this layout and the dialogues are on the second column.
  2. Start scenes on a new page: As the settings implies, all scenes start on a new page.

You can also provide passwords to protect your PDF. There are two types of passwords - owner password and user password.

Owner Password - Anyone using this password to access the PDF will have the full permissions.

User Password - Anyone using this password to access the PDF will have restricted permissions.

When enabling the password protection, there are options to restrict the printing quality and the ability to copy for people accessing the exported PDF using user-password.


This is where you can add all the languages for your project.

By default English is added to all projects. This cannot be changed. You can add or remove (already added languages) to or from the list by selecting/deselecting from the list and clicking "Save". As of now, we support 3 additional languages

  1. Hindi
  2. Malayalam
  3. Tamil

To use the additional languages you've added to the project you can either

  • Select from the dropdown menu to the left of the settings-gear-icon. OR
  • Use Ctrl + ` (Control + Backtick) shortcut to toggle between the languages.

Contact Us

If you ever need assistance or have unresolved issues, we're here to help. Reach out to our support team for any unresolved issues or inquiries. We're committed to assisting you promptly. Contact us on [email protected].